6th Grade Class

Instructional Overview


Literature based units are used to build skills in reading comprehension, fluency, and develop knowledge of literary elements. Socratic seminars give students the opportunity to evaluate the text critically and listen to the insight of other students. Quality classical literature is selected for both class and individual student reading.


Holt Traditions Warriner’s Handbook Level 2 is utilized to reinforce and continue to build a foundation of excellent grammar. IEW’s (Institute for Excellence in Writing) Fix-It series also challenges students to apply their knowledge of grammar to classic texts. Grammar and writing instruction are integrated throughout the year and across subject areas.


We follow a classical approach to teaching writing, using the Institute for Excellence in Writing. Students are carefully guided through the writing process and learn to manipulate language to craft well-written pieces. Writing is focused on crafting longer narratives, research papers, poetry, and creative writing.


Zaner-Bloser manuscript and cursive is expected as students complete copy work and final drafts of written work.


Saxon is a spiraling curriculum that provides our students opportunities to master material over time with many opportunities to review and build on concepts. Saxon 7/6 is typically the course studied by sixth graders.


We believe that God is the author of all truth and that we are instructed to hide His word in our hearts. Students sing, memorize scripture, and learn the basic grammar of the Bible. The narrative of scripture is captured through intentional instruction and discussion.


Story of the World forms the foundation of historical studies at Trinity. History is God’s story and we are all part of that story. Our students learn dates, places, people, and events of historical significance that continue to shape our world today. All 1st-6th students utilize the same text so that families can learn together. Teachers differentiate the instruction to meet the needs of the different levels of learners.


God reveals himself through his creation and has created children with an innate wonder of the natural world around us. Students study life science, earth science, and physical science depending on the year. Materials vary with focus of instruction on utilizing hands-on activities and applying knowledge to God’s world around us.


Language study is an essential part of classical education, building foundations for vocabulary study, grammar, logic, and critical thinking.  According to Dorothy Sayers, author of The Lost Tools of Learning, “even a rudimentary knowledge of Latin cuts down the labor and pains of learning almost any other subject by at least fifty percent.”


Fallacy Detective is utilized as a basic introduction to logic. Students begin to identify fallacies of argument and learn to craft their own arguments avoiding the learned fallacies.

Other Studies

All students also participate in art, music, and P.E.