Make a Gift to Trinity Academy

Trinity Academy partners with Christian parents to develop their children during primary and secondary years of academic schooling. These young Christians will leave Trinity Academy with a heart for Christ to engage the world with a biblical worldview, a servant’s heart, and a life of integrity in serving God. Trinity Academy is an extension of the God-given mission of Christian families and their local church bodies to equip children for a lifetime of Christian service.

Trinity Academy is a gift-supported school. Our goal is to make this mission partnership affordable for all families desiring to enroll their children. We depend on your gifts to help us accomplish our mission. Please consider making Trinity Academy a part of your personal and/or congregation’s monthly budget. The links below will help you decide how to arrange your support. Please contact us with any inquiries. Trinity Academy is a not-for-profit organization. All gifts are tax deductible.


The mission to which God has called Trinity Academy will be significantly enhanced through the regular giving of patrons. Please consider making a pledge to provide routine financial support. Please complete the following and click Submit. After you have submitted your pledge, select the appropriate Give Now option. Both on-line bill payments through your bank and via Paypal accounts offer options in which you can establish routine payments at a selected amount, frequency, and payment date and we strongly encourage this to aid you in the discipline of giving.

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Give Now - Cash or Check

Give by cash, check, or money order by sending your gift to:

Trinity Academy
PO Box 226
Industry, IL 61440

Give Now - Online

We are pleased to announce the inclusion of an online giving process so as to make it ever easier to support Trinity Academy. We currently utilize Paypal to accept online giving safely and securely. Clicking the PayPal button below will take you to our PayPal donate form to complete the donation by card safely and securely. You do not need to create an account.

Give Now - Wire Transfer

Our bank can accept direct domestic wire transfers if you so desire. Please contact the Trinity Academy Mission Liaison for bank-to-bank wire instructions.

Memorial Gifts

To commemorate the life of a special person or in memory of a loved one, consider designating Trinity Academy as the recipient of memorial donations. Memorial gifts can be sent directly to Trinity Academy by any of the methods available above and designated in the deceased person’s memory.

Proxy Gifts

If you wish to make a gift on behalf of someone special, making a donation toward the success of our mission is a marvelous option! This is a perfect gift to honor someone who has everything they need! Please just let us know the name of the individual(s) on behalf of who the gift is being made.

Life Insurance Beneficiary

Leave Trinity Academy a large gift through the low cost of life insurance premiums. Set up a policy with your broker, name Trinity Academy as the owner and beneficiary, and the premiums are tax deductible. This will allow you to leave a legacy for future generations.

Updated Giving Receipt Policy

To streamline our giving process, we no longer automatically issue receipts for donations under $100. However, receipts are always available upon request. If you would like a receipt for a smaller donation, please feel free to contact us at 309-731-4016 or, and we will be happy to provide one. Thank you for your understanding and continued support!